Tag Archives: Refrigerator Repair

How to Fix When Your Fridge Door Won’t Stay Closed?

Have you stumbled upon a scenario where there’s a gap when you close the refrigerator door? No matter how much you try, it just won’t stay shut. Now, the food isn’t as cold as it used to be. As frustrating as this situation can be, it’s not quite tough to fix the fridge door. This … Continue reading How to Fix When Your Fridge Door Won’t Stay Closed?

What’s the Average Lifespan of a Refrigerator & When Should You Replace?

A refrigerator is one such essential household appliance that keeps food fresh and healthy. When something goes wrong inside or outside an appliance which we, as a layman, couldn’t recognise, the fallout can be substantial. You can hardly prevent fungus growth on stored food items and before you could find other alternatives to relocate your … Continue reading What’s the Average Lifespan of a Refrigerator & When Should You Replace?

Things That Actually Cause A Refrigerator’s Compressor to Fail

Refrigerators are designed to keep your food items safe and fresh for a long period of time. But to expect them to function like this all the time, it is important for you to regularly maintain them. In this regard, you have to make sure that your main focus is on the compressor, as it … Continue reading Things That Actually Cause A Refrigerator’s Compressor to Fail

How to Extend Longevity & Avoid Facing Costly Fridge Repair?

It won’t be wrong to say that a fridge is a highly used appliance. From storing food, fruits, and vegetables to medicines, water bottles, ice-creams, deserts, etc., people use it for all these purposes. But when it comes to maintaining it, very few think about it seriously. They even fail to hire an expert technician … Continue reading How to Extend Longevity & Avoid Facing Costly Fridge Repair?

What Are The Smart Ways To Fix The Light Bulb Of Your Fridge?

When it comes to buying a new fridge people do make the best efforts. They are also ready to spend much more than their budget to get a good appliance that will last for years to come with little maintenance. However, what they forget is that just buying a costly fridge doesn’t mean it will … Continue reading What Are The Smart Ways To Fix The Light Bulb Of Your Fridge?

5 Telltale Signs You Need Refrigerator Repair Right Away

Do you have a refrigerator? Seriously, does your refrigerator function as it should? Your electricity bill could increase significantly if your refrigerator is broken. The worst aspect is that you might not be able to determine whether your refrigerator is operating at full capacity. The following are 5 indicators that say fridge repairs are necessary. … Continue reading 5 Telltale Signs You Need Refrigerator Repair Right Away

Causes of Excessive Cooling That Leads to Fridge Repairs

A fridge is designed to preserve your food items by circulating cool air. But, if you notice excessive cooling throughout the fridge and too much ice formation on the freezer section, there might be certain problems with the inner components and you need to book a technician for a repair. You can detect excessive cooling … Continue reading Causes of Excessive Cooling That Leads to Fridge Repairs

Handy Tips to Make your Refrigerator Energy Efficient this Summer

It’s summertime in Australia, and your refrigerator is something that is going to stay on for the entire day possible. And, evidently, your energy bills are something that is not going to stay put the whole season. But, there are ways by which you can ensure that you keep the carbon footprints to a little … Continue reading Handy Tips to Make your Refrigerator Energy Efficient this Summer