Some Questions You Need to Ask Your Fridge Repair Technician

There are times when you need to summon technicians to have your fridge repaired. And at times, this may happen quite often than not, more so when your fridge gets old, regardless of the brand and model of your fridge. You will find a number of companies around you, which are into fridge repair service. … Continue reading Some Questions You Need to Ask Your Fridge Repair Technician

Is Your Fridge Malfunctioning Too Often? These Might Be the Reasons

Fridge problems can occur due to several reasons. But is the one in your home or office giving you troubles every now and then? If yes, there can be certain reasons behind it and we will take a look at them here. Since the problems are recurring, you will need to get a few things … Continue reading Is Your Fridge Malfunctioning Too Often? These Might Be the Reasons

Ways How Technicians Repair the Door of a Fisher and Paykel Fridge

Though Fisher and Paykel Fridge is a high-quality appliance, its’ door might malfunction like that of the others, and when it does, you will need to contact the technicians for a repair. The technicians providing Fisher and Paykel fridge repairs will then arrive and diagnose the source of the problems in the door of your … Continue reading Ways How Technicians Repair the Door of a Fisher and Paykel Fridge

How Technicians Help Remove Odours From Your Fridge? 

Though fridge cleaning is not too difficult, if you experience consistent odours, you will need to call the repairers to check the source of the odour and remove them. So, today we will be taking a look at a few methods that the technicians use to check the source of the odour and how they … Continue reading How Technicians Help Remove Odours From Your Fridge?