How To Store Meat, Seafood, Fish Dairy Products after Fridge Repair?

Electrical Appliances develop snags, even if they are from the best brands in the world. And refrigerators are no exceptions, also if they are from brands of the stature of Fisher and Paykel. While it is true that you need to summon quality companies that carry out Fisher and Paykel fridge repairs, you have your … Continue reading How To Store Meat, Seafood, Fish Dairy Products after Fridge Repair?

How to Response to Bad refrigerator Thermostat Issues?

Using the refrigerator is all about handling temperature, and controlling its rise and fall. It entirely depends upon using the thermostat in the right way. At times, inappropriate use of thermostat would knock them off, and give rise to some intimidating problems! Once that happens, you need to turn up to a company that offers … Continue reading How to Response to Bad refrigerator Thermostat Issues?

How to Prepare for Aircon Installation at Your Home?

Installing an air conditioning system is quite an easy task for a reputed and seasoned aircon installation company. However, while the company has its share of responsibility to ensure a flawless installation, you have your task cut out as well! In other words, you have a few things to ensure that when the installers arrive, … Continue reading How to Prepare for Aircon Installation at Your Home?

The Refrigerator Is Turned On, But Fridge Light Isn’t- Know the Reason Behind

Is your refrigerator light flickering? Or is it not working properly? Such things happen even though the fridge is cooling and the freezer is not freezing properly. It means your fridge has a faulty bulb. However, simply replacing the bulb won’t fix the problem, we will let you know the issues that may need you … Continue reading The Refrigerator Is Turned On, But Fridge Light Isn’t- Know the Reason Behind