Tag Archives: fridge

Understanding the Importance of Timely Commercial Fridge Repairs

Are you running a business that relies on refrigeration? If the answer is yes, then what is important for you is to understand that maintaining your appliance and keeping it in the best condition is a must. Failing to do so can turn out to be costly, and it might also lead to many other … Continue reading Understanding the Importance of Timely Commercial Fridge Repairs

What You Must Know When Freezer Functions & Freeze Doesn’t?

Have you ever found that the ice cream is well chilled, but the meat in the deli tray is suspiciously hot? You are probably finding out what happened (and you may be left with a mess to clean, which can be challenging). If the fridge is not cooling but the freezer is, the mechanism in … Continue reading What You Must Know When Freezer Functions & Freeze Doesn’t?

How to Fix When Your Fridge Door Won’t Stay Closed?

Have you stumbled upon a scenario where there’s a gap when you close the refrigerator door? No matter how much you try, it just won’t stay shut. Now, the food isn’t as cold as it used to be. As frustrating as this situation can be, it’s not quite tough to fix the fridge door. This … Continue reading How to Fix When Your Fridge Door Won’t Stay Closed?

5 Main Reasons That Cause Black Specks in A Fridge Ice Dispenser

Have you noticed black flecks in your ice? If the answer is yes, then this is the right time to call the expert fridge repair mechanic for an inspection. It is better to get the solution for any kind of problem that you face with the refrigerator before it becomes a complicated one right on … Continue reading 5 Main Reasons That Cause Black Specks in A Fridge Ice Dispenser

How to Keep Your Fridge Cool & Protected in Any Weather Condition?

Many times it has been seen that people face problems with their cold storage boxes at unusual times. It can be early in the morning or late at night or when they are in a rush to reach their office, etc. What they think is that they wasted their time and money buying branded refrigerators. … Continue reading How to Keep Your Fridge Cool & Protected in Any Weather Condition?

When Does The Fridge Stop Performing Efficiently?

Using refrigerators has become a common thing. From offices, homes, and restaurants, to hospitals, the industrial sector, and much more you will find that cold storage boxes are highly used for some reasons or others. While some people do make good efforts to keep their refrigerator in top condition, others hardly care until they face … Continue reading When Does The Fridge Stop Performing Efficiently?

Is Your Fridge Malfunctioning Too Often? These Might Be the Reasons

Fridge problems can occur due to several reasons. But is the one in your home or office giving you troubles every now and then? If yes, there can be certain reasons behind it and we will take a look at them here. Since the problems are recurring, you will need to get a few things … Continue reading Is Your Fridge Malfunctioning Too Often? These Might Be the Reasons

How Technicians Help Remove Odours From Your Fridge? 

Though fridge cleaning is not too difficult, if you experience consistent odours, you will need to call the repairers to check the source of the odour and remove them. So, today we will be taking a look at a few methods that the technicians use to check the source of the odour and how they … Continue reading How Technicians Help Remove Odours From Your Fridge? 

Components That Professionals Inspect During a Fridge Repair

There are several components inside the fridge and the professionals providing the repairing service will need to check them when a problem appears. The procedure of inspecting each component varies and the technician providing the fridge repairs in St Marys will follow them accordingly. So, now let us take a look at the components that … Continue reading Components That Professionals Inspect During a Fridge Repair