Tag Archives: Prepare Your AC for Winters

A Guide to Choosing the Best Time for Aircon Installation

Choosing the right time for aircon installation in Sydney can be tricky. But, if you get it right, you will end up more time and money. Different individuals have different requirements – for some the old aircon unit just broke, for others they’re doing a home renovation. Whatever, the reasons might be, there are a … Continue reading A Guide to Choosing the Best Time for Aircon Installation

Make Use of both Cooling & Heating Mode – Prepare Your AC for Winters

When it is cold outside and the temperature plunges to 0° or goes below than that, your air conditioner has to deal with the freezing condition. But how? To deal with such low temperature, the air conditioning unit must have the reverse cycle air conditioner unit that deals with defrost mode. In this content, you … Continue reading Make Use of both Cooling & Heating Mode – Prepare Your AC for Winters