Take a minute to think about what could have happened if you did not have a functional fridge freezer! Well, firstly the cabbages would have wilted, the butter will start looking like a thick pile of adhesive and you might not be able to save the frozen prawns you have saved so far for your shrimp salad!
Evidently, the refrigerator freezer is essential for keeping up the household chores. You will be surprised to find out for how long your frozen foods remain in the condition when your refrigerator freezer is in good condition, extending the life of your frozen staples without any hassle.
It’s not that difficult to keep the freezer in good and functional condition. You just need to follow some essential rules of maintenance as guided by the experts of Fisher Paykel fridge repair near Sydney to make sure the freezer performs the way it is supposed to work. Here are the maintenance hacks you need to follow. Read on.
Store Fresh Foods Only
There is no room for stale or decomposed food inside your refrigerator freezer, to be honest. If fresh food does not remain in chilled condition, it will make space for harmful bacteria formation such as listeria and salmonella. Such bacterial infestation can lead to severe food poisoning.
Keeping the fresh meat or fish or any other animal protein in chilled condition suggests that they will last longer. Maintaining temperature is essential here. The fridge should not be more than 50C, and the freezer needs to strike somewhere in between -180C and -220C. This temperature balance will make sure that your refrigerated food is in good condition.
Defrost When Needed
According to the experts, the thickness of frosting inside your refrigerator should not be more than 3-4 cm. So, if any excessive frost build up occurs, the capacity of the freezer will decrease. Also, it will not be energy-efficient anymore.
Keep the Freezer in a Cold Location
It is one of the most significant considerations for keeping the freezer safe and adequately functional. If you keep it close to any source of heat such as radiator or cooker, it will affect the freezer. If an adequate amount of air does not circulate around the freezer, it will not cool the area enough, and your freezer will not function like the way you want it to perform.
Follow the Storage Rules
It’s evident that an overstuffed or overcrowded freezer is enough to cut down its performance. So, consider the right storage rules declared by the professionals of Fisher and Paykel fridge freezer repairs in Sydney as a part of the freezer maintenance and keep it work properly.
- Keep the top shelf free for sauce, Yogurt and cheese. You can even keep the pint of cow milk in that area. Remember that, this part of the freezer is comparatively warmer than the lower shelf.
- Now, for the bottom shelf, you can stack the raw meat, poultry and fish in that part. Make sure that you store those inside an airtight container to make sure the juice does not drip and cause any nasty smell.
- Also, the salad drawer and door racks are to be used according to the need. As a part of maintenance, you are required to clean every part of your fridge freezer on time.
Final Words
In the case you find out that your fridge freezer is still showing some signs, don’t delay to take the help of professionals. Fast Fridge Repairs is undoubtedly the most trusted name when it comes to repairing the freezer or any other refrigerator parts.
Contact us today for an obligation free quote. We are available for both preventive maintenance and emergency repair. Visit fastfridgerepairs.com.au for more details on our services.