How The Professionals Replace The Water Inlet Valve Of A Fridge?

Fisher and Paykel Fridge RepairsWestinghouse Fridge Repairs
Fridges regardless of their manufacturers might develop snags from time to time – both major as well as a minor one. And when that happens, you must not try rectifying them yourself unless the issue is too elementary or you are an expert. You must turn to professionals who are accredited and specialised to address the issues of the brand that your fridge belongs to. For instance, if you have a Westinghouse fridge, you must put stakes on a company that is seasoned enough to carry our Westinghouse fridge repairs. We pride to state that Fast Fridge Repairs is one of the best names that can come up with the flawless repair of the Westinghouse fridges.

One of the most common issues that the users have to encounter is a clogged or ruptured water inlet valve. Now, this can happen to any fridge, after prolonged use and you cannot blame the manufacturer for that. This happens due to natural wear and tear for the constant running of the fridge for long. When that happens, the situation calls for the replacement of the valve, and for that you must summon a qualified technician.

Now how would a professional change the valve? Here is a brief account of the same!

What is the Water Inlet Valve?

Before going through the process, let us discuss that this water inlet valve is. It is an electronically operated device, which connects the household water supply with the fridge if you have a water dispenser or an ice maker. You will find it at the rear of your fridge, towards the bottom. Its main function is to supply water to the dispenser and the icemaker. It is the electronic part of the valve that develops snag at times, raising the need for replacement.

1st step: At first the techie will unplug the refrigerator and remove the cover at the back of the fridge. Now it’s time to unscrew. Depending upon the model of the fridge you have, the number of screws will vary. Once the backing is unscrewed and removed, that exposes the valve. The pro will draw the valve out of the cavity to have its access.

2nd Step: Then it’s time to disconnect the two electric harnesses at the back of the valve. Each harness has two different sized pins. Once the pins are removed, the tubing is slowly and carefully pulled out. Some water will spill out when the piping is drawn out, but it’s normal.

3rd Step: After the tubing is drawn out, it is cleaned thoroughly. Care is specifically taken while cleaning the rough edges and to minimize the roughness, the techie may cut a bit of it.

4th Step: Now it is the time for the techie to get the new valve and reinsert the tubing into it carefully. They will ensure that the tubing snaps into its place properly so that no water leakage takes place. They will ensure that the tuber is firmly placed and does not move around, even if it is poked. They will ensure it is snug.

5th Step: This step involves reinstalling the terminals, and the mounting screws and tucking the water tubing out of the way. Once done the water supply is reinstalled to find there are no leaks. Once the techie is sure that there is no leakage, the back cover is put back and the connection of the fridge is restored.

Thus you see, the entire process is easy, but to be on the safer side, you must hire a professional who is familiar with your model of fridge. For instance, if you have a Fisher and Paykel fridge, you must summon a company that is experienced enough to carry out Fisher and Paykel Fridge repairs and is authorised to do so.
Fast Fridge Repairs comes up as the most trustworthy name for you to put stakes on. For further details, call us at 0405972558 during our office hours.